CentroVilla25 Open House & Info Session
Learn updates on CENTROVILLA25, our transformative neighborhood project. Share your ideas and feedback for our future. Hear about the small business spaces available/Commercial Kitchen programming.
Conozca las actualizaciones de transformación en este proyecto de la comunidad, comparta sus ideas y comentarios para nuestro futuro. Descubra los espacios disponibles para pequeñas empresas y el plan de acción de las cocinas comerciales.
Entrepreneur of the Year Gala
It's that time of year again for the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Gala! Enjoy a night of dinner, dancing, live entertainment, and casino games as we celebrate the accomplishments of local Hispanic Entrepreneurs across Northeast Ohio.
Latino Restaurant Week
Latino Restaurant week gives you the opportunity to experience some of the best Latino Cuisine in greater Cleveland by highlighting five established, Latino-owned Restaurants. This event is being held during Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15th-Oct 15th), providing a cultural food encounter. What a better way to celebrate?
Construction Opportunities Fair
Connect to opportunities in construction contracting, firsthand info on bidding, certification, pre-qualification reqs, training, and technical support